Mind, Body, Labor: Your Bridge to Birth is our comprehensive child birth preparation series
We help you to understand how to have a calm and supported birth experience
We offer group & private sessions
With a calming reassurance about the normal path of birth, I guide women through the unknown and chaotic journey of childbirth.
I am a compassionate guide, offering soothing wisdom and expert support. My specialty is being a safe space for mothers to heal from past birth trauma.
I am here to help you (re)claim your power and embody confidence for your upcoming birth; ensuring you and your partner feel seen, supported and ready to thrive.
In the comfort of your home, meet with a board certified lactation consultant, to help with your feeding and/or milk supply challenges.
Consultations include an assessment & physical support to address milk supply, oral ties, latching concerns and more!
We offer in-person and virtual sessions
“Yasmin supported me in the birth of my first child, from prenatal education to accompanying me to the hospital while giving birth to lactation consultations and post-natal support.
She has a tremendous amount of experience working with moms and babies. For the period of time leading up to and just after birth, she became like the family member you want to have – available for goofy questions but actually helpful.
She prepared me well to navigate the medical system so I could advocate for a vaginal delivery.
Overall, it was a safe and empowering birth experience, and I feel Yasmin played a big part in making it a good experience“.
“being in a country that’s not your home country with a newborn is stressful in itself. To have the level of support that I’ve found in Yasmin, outside of my home country, has reduced my stress tremendously.
My little one is 2 months old, with a tongue tie/latch issue, which is causing gas and affecting her sleep. Yasmin very quickly assessed, assured me and gave me a game plan. I’m relieved to have a solution & can already see a huge difference in my baby.
Simple tweaks to breastfeeding, pumping, and burping has practically eliminated that dreaded witching hour, prolonged night time sleep, and it’s taking me less than 10 minutes to get this cutie to sleep.
I have a happier baby, and I feel, more confident to soothe and respond to my baby’s needs. I appreciate Yasmin referring me to professionals who can help me further with the tongue tie and I look forward to working together as my baby grows and needs change
After 10 months of pregnancy, hours or even days of labor, your body yearns to be nurtured and for vitality to be restored for all the labor-intensive work of birth, whether vaginal, c-section or assisted. Birth one way or another can be intense, when it’s the birth of your dreams or the birth you never expected. Afterwards you’re tired, excited, touched out, running on adrenaline and at the same time on a baby high as you watch your little one sleep the first few nights. Then the reality kicks in that you really haven’t slept deeply in a few days.
Let’s take a moment to acknowledge what a feat this was . . . literally bigger than a notion a few months ago. AND YOU DID IT!!! Whether you have no pains or an achy back from breastfeeding slumped over peering at your baby, sore pelvic bone and tender nether bits from pushing, a yoni steam and belly bind among other therapies can help with AAAAALLLLLL of that!
Embrace matrescence, your unique journey into motherhood.
The Afterbirth Restorative Therapy Method offers a safe and judgement free experience designed to support you during the physical and emotional transition of your postpartum journey.
We will guide you through a world class recovery experience with a few highlights like:
Hot Stone Abdominal Massage with Herbs
Traditional Belly Binding
Closing the Bones Ceremony
You are invited on a journey to begin your deep healing, nourishment and womb restoraton.
experience is the best guide . . .
“Though unaware, I was going through a dark phase of anger and disappointment over my birthing experience and I didn’t know why I was feeling the way I was feeling and how to address it . . .
With her help I was able to address my feelings, enjoy some personal TLC and therapy (abdominal press, belly binding and closing ceremony).
Yasmin went the extra mile all the time by listening to my concerns, giving me useful suggestions and advice. As professional as she was, it felt like I was talking to a sister.
Thank you for your support.”
“I received my first bath by Yasmin. As a first time mom, you feel really icky afterbirth without having the energy or focus to bath alone. The bath was like an ultimate cleansing that washed away many of the worries and stress that naturally comes along with bringing a new life into this world. Another great moment was the “Closing of the Bones” ceremony. The final one was the best because along with Yasmin, my birthing team was there to assist with it. I felt that I had officially entered the realm of motherhood. Lastly, the best and most sentimental moment was when Yasmin conducted a debriefing with my birthing team at my home. Her and my sisters all came together which allowed me to hear everyone’s story from their own perspective which was absolutely life-changing. I appreciated the overall experience. I feel that she went above and beyond. Yasmin is a true women’s-worker and I HIGHLY recommend having her as your doula!!
5 STARS!!!!! ”